Yes, it’s the change of seasons, with a change in the angle of the light and the air smells different. A deeper, more profound change, though, is making itself felt.
I have just returned east from a month in Santa Monica, California. Such a blessing to immerse myself in the uplifting atmosphere of the classes and gatherings at the new Naam Yoga LA Center there. Walking to and from the center each day I passed white roses blooming in the California autumn sunshine, white roses with a hint of pink.
Seeing these flowers at different stages from buds to full blossoms, even though it’s definitely fall, reminded me of the kind-heartedness of the community of people there. Whether presented with the grief of a friend or another’s challenge, there is an all-pervasive loving-kindness that people emanate. Practicing Naam Yoga, chanting the Sacred Sound and learning Divine Spiritual Wisdom creates such a deep sense of community. We share this feeling that we are all involved in something very wonderful together. I felt so grateful to be able to witness the profound change it continually evolves in each of our lives.
Adversity in any form challenges each of us. It tests us and asks us to ground ourselves in what is true. Doing the various kinds of breathing, mudras and the yoga along with the powerful music of Naam gives me such a feeling every day that everything is evolving to something better and better within us and around us.
I would love to teach you some very simple and yet profound mudras or breathing practice that can lift your spirits in just minutes!
Let’s be in touch!
Love, Peace and Light to All!